발리보이 한국망신 Choi Myung-woon, a Korean YouTuber that Indonesians should be careful
같이가치뉴스 2023. 2. 27. 10:11
Choi introduces himself as a travel YouTuber, but rarely travels. He approaches young and pure women, films them, and earns profits. Some people claim that Choi threatened sex.
Choi memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai YouTuber perjalanan, tetapi jarang bepergian. Dia mendekati wanita muda dan murni, film mereka, dan mendapatkan keuntungan. Beberapa orang menyatakan bahwa Choi mengancam seks.

Choi myung un.
Korean travel YouTuber.
Mainly active in Indonesia.
After being discharged, he left for Australia on a working holiday. After that, he moved to Indonesia and started YouTube.
It is suspected that only a small amount of donations to be delivered to Cindy's family have been delivered, and they have received donations in many situations, but are reprimanded for not implementing them.
He often featured a local Indonesian woman named 'Cindy' and her family in her videos.
The problem is that 'Cindy' and her younger sister 'Dita' attract aggro through sexual thumbnails even though they were students.

1. 18 year old Indonesian girl wants to have a child of mine
2. An 18-year-old Indonesian girl wonders how 3. many times I have ejaculated so far
4. Today I will taste hell being tricked by such a pretty Indonesian girl
In addition, it causes misunderstanding by overusing the words mother-in-law, father-in-law, and son-in-law, even though they are not related to the Indonesian family mentioned above.
He is not marry with Cindy.
5. I will never go to the mountains again with my Indonesian mother-in-law.
6. I moved to the city with my Indonesian mother-in-law and father-in-law.
Controversy over exposure of important parts of local people in the video
Bali Boy featured another Indonesian local, her family, ‘Su Mine’ on his channel.
In this process, his videos are criticized for exposing scenes of local children taking a bath, sleeping naked, and important parts of Sumine's mother without mosaic or separate editing.
The blog below is a blog created by a victim who was damaged by a Bali boy Padang Boy.
바니사리 : 네이버 블로그
당신의 모든 기록을 담는 공간
The title of the video below also seems to be that women like Choi, but it is not at all.
He gets rejected for trying to stick to the woman's accommodation.
Doesn't seem to have a thousand dollars in his bank account balance.
Choi Myung-woon and Bali Boy Padangai are Koreans who should never be careful.
Judul video di bawah ini juga tampaknya bahwa wanita seperti Choi, tetapi tidak sama sekali. Dia ditolak karena mencoba untuk tetap pada akomodasi wanita itu. Tampaknya tidak memiliki seribu dolar dalam saldo rekening banknya. Choi Myung-woon dan Bali Boy Padangai adalah orang Korea yang seharusnya tidak pernah berhati-hati.

Choi has lived in Indonesia for a considerable period of time, but he speaks neither Indonesian nor English well.
It is a tendency toward trickery rather than effort.
His attitude toward Koreans is suspicious.
He's not confident and seems to be hiding something.
Such a man is one who tries to profit by exploiting others.
The uglier he looks, the less he behaves. Most of the Korean men are better than him. Watch out for this man
Semakin jelek penampilannya, semakin sedikit perilakunya. Kebanyakan pria Korea lebih baik darinya. Hati-hati dengan orang ini.
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